Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 38 Lunch...

Diet going well, I have maintained my weight and it isn't hard at all. I haven't been hungry  because I have enough food to eat but have had some cravings... I also accidentally had something that i wasn't supposed to which kept me frightened until my weigh in the next morning. I am allowed to have diet soda and while in a class for my HypnoBirthing (R) which was held at a hotel in Scottsdale I reached for an ice cold can of sprite, drank it down and then realized what I had done! I had diet soda all weekend and by the 3rd day of all day class I decided that I wanted something different, sprite sounded so refreshing and down it went in about 2 minutes.. the can was 140 calories and I just added that to my calorie intake for the day.

Today I had white fish and salsa on a bed of lettuce from my garden, mixed with cabbage, bell pepper, parsley, fresh garlic, balsamic vinegar and juice of a lemon. It wasn't the best meal that I have created but it was okay and good enough to eat the whole thing. I had been wanting a taco salad but had to settle for this. I used the cabbage for the crunch that I would miss from going without tortilla chips.

274 Calories

This was 5oz of white fish
Two tablespoons of salsa
340 grams of a mix of greens and cabbage
1/4 bell pepper
hand full of parsley
juice of 1/4 of lemon
2 tbs of Balsamic Vinegar
and season to taste
You can add a TB or two of plain yogurt for sour cream, I just forgot.
You can add Avocado, I didn't because we were out.
If you add the 1/2 of an avocado and 2 TBS of Yogurt the total is 430 Calories. This is a lot of food once you mix it all together you may not think that you can finish it. The protein from the fish and the avocado will help sustain your appetite for several hours, we try and eat every 2 to 3 hours, this will keep us full that we won't even be hungry for our next snack. We usually have 1 oz of almonds and an apple or banana for a snack.

If you have never substituted plain yogurt for sour cream, I suggest you try. The calories are a lot less and when mixed in a taco salad or on a taco or baked potato... you can't even tell the difference. I have put some out on the table in a decorative glass container and served it to guests.. they assumed it was sour cream and kept going back for more... some of these guests were my own teens and their friends. It isn't easy passing one over on a teen!

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