Thursday, April 15, 2010

day 27

Wow! Time has gotten away! I am so sorry that I haven't been keeping you posted.

So, I am at my limit of loss weight, I must sustain my weight for 6 weeks before I can go back on the diet and before I can lose anymore weight. They call this the "maintenance phase" and this is when you set your metabolism.

To date, In 27 days I have lost a total of 20 lbs. I feel wonderful and my clothes look horrible on me because they are too big but I dont care.

We are able to eat 1500-2000 calories, but of certain foods. We now can add a lot of stuff that we weren't able to eat prior to this phase and also mix our veggies.

We can have Peanut butter, cottage cheese, almonds, fatty fish such as salmon etc.,hamburgur, ketchup, spicy wings, any veggie except.. starchy ones like potatoes, corn, beets etc.

Today was our first day of being able to eat these foods and we celebrated by bringing in the new phase with 1 cup of cottage cheese at midnight. Yes, I couldn't sleep last night and thought... you know what! it is tomorrow (being midnight) so I CAN EAT A FORBIDDEN FOOD. It was wonderful!

Yesterday we precooked our food for the next day... I browned the beef and added the tomato, garlic and onion, along with seasonings while my boyfriend added the calories. We were making cabbage rolls.

We were excited to be adding all these foods and thought that this would be fun, it was fun but also stressful. Atleast the shopping part which I forgot to tell you about, before we cooked all the that wonderful delicious food we had to plan and shop for it. It took us almost two hours to figure out what we could eat, how many calories were in what foods and then debated how the heck to divide that into portions, it was stressful.We are told that this frusteration will pass and that we will feel more comfortable about the math and calculations of diet planning.
I have never HAD to think about food so much in my life, not only am I dieting at home but I am in a Nutrition class at school and feel as though all I do, read, write, and hear about is food.. the what nots and the how to eating.

My boyfriend has lost a total of 25 lbs and feels just as good as I do. So, all in all this diet THUS far is what is has promised.

Today we also had our Coctail administered, in our diet package  they included Hypnotherapy and IV treatment along with Vitamin B shots called Lipo b or something like that. The Coctail is a liquid form of vitamins and minerals to replace what is possibly lost in this diet, to replenish vitamins and minerals and give you a boost after treating your body this way.

I am really glad that we decided to pay the extra money that we had to for this diet and recieve the extra care. Losing weight is an emotional thing, gaining weight is too and being able to have the hypnosis treatments has not left our the fact that our weight isn't just food and diet issues. They treat the whole person and this has been instumental to our success.

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