Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The diet has been going well, almost 10lbs lost now and my energy level is great! I am still not hungry and finding more and more enjoyment in the foods that I am allowed. I have skipped several days of hcg diet blogging because I have been useful with all this new energy and weight loss, went and had my hair done, went shoe shopping... went to a bbq. YES, we went to a bbq the other night and there was t-bone and pasta salad and potatoe salad and homeade angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries. BEAUTIFUL dinner, we didn't eat and we were fine about it. It looked and smelled fabulous and even though we wished we could eat it we did not and we didn't have a hard time with it either.
Today we are having 350 g. of cabbage and 3.5 oz of shrimp with a strawberry smoothy for lunch, it is only 211 calories... we will need to beef up for dinner- we try and to 250 cal. per meal.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 6,7 & 8
Day 6 was brutal for me, I was angry because I hadn't lost any weight and blamed my boyfreind for not calculating my calories correctly, he calculated 400 calories for my previous day rather than 500 calories and it caused me not to lose any weight. I was ugly and fat and angry and picked a huge fight with him.
It wasn't his fault, it was mine.. I need to be responsible for my own "stuff" and stop making excuses or blaming others.
Day 7 was much better, I did lose another 3 lbs and was delighted for this. The doc visit went well however we were not measured, we get measured our 3rd week not every week.
Day 8, today... I didn't lose any weight again, I did kind of cheat, I had my hair done and had a beautiful scalp massage from a fabulous hair dresser. Of course we aren't suppose to use cream rinse or conditioner unless we rinse it out IMMEDIATELY, he massaged it in and guess what? it was enough to cause me not to lose any weight. BUT, my hair looks fabulous!
I did remember to take a picture of our lunch and hopefully will remember dinner and every other meal beyond, the meals are good and the quanity isn't bad being that it is only 250 calories per meal.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 5
We shopped at a farmers market and bought some red and white cabbage, freezedried onion and oregano for seasoning (which is allowed) apples, cucumbers and strawberries.
The afternoons seem to be harder... with cravings or wanting to munch however not too bad, not bad enought to get us to cheat...and again I did NOT take photo's of our meals!!! but, I had chicken and lettuce and for a treat we had a strawberry smoothie.
Writing it out, it sounds quite boring but it was fabulous. I put pepper and onion powder on my lettuce and squeezed lemon over it, the chicken I ate cold and the smoothie was just ice, 10 strawberries and stevia and I loved loved loved it! Mike had sea bass and slightly steamed cabbage with lemon and seasoning. I think both of us agree that the smoothie was quite a treat and that we needed it!
Emotions are coming up.. eating has been an armour and when you take away the food.. then what surfaces can be quite emotional. Letting go of the crutch and facing the emotion is hard to do but with a co-dieter it makes it easy. We have this extra weight for a reason and we kind of knew that it would bring up "issues" when we started to lose the weight or "deprive" ourself from the lovely comfort of food.
Lunch- we had shrimp with poultry seasoning and asparagus... for snack or desert we had sliced our apples and dipped them in cinamon and stevia and it was super good too! We came up with the idea to bake our apples with cinamon and stevia for a warm desert sometime in the future.
We are learning to be more creative with our food and this is really fun!
We are full after our meals and feel somewhat satisfied.. I could always eat more... I have the bad habit of eating until I am uncomfortably full.
Tomorrow we go in and see our Natrapath and she will measure us and weigh us and she also goes over our diets that we have been logging. I am excited to see the inch difference! She will also check our BMI and other stuff.
I wouldn't suggest doing this diet without a physicians help, I know that you can buy the drops or the shots on line and I also know that it can be dangerous.. not only do you not know what you are actually getting and what about the refrigeration? You need to keep them cold.... but also... if you do not know if you have a prolactin issue or a thyroid issue or a diabetic issue then you may actually cause some great harm to yourself by taking hcg hormone.
We go to Naturally Nurturing in Gilbert, They are concerned about you health and not thier pocket book.. You call the doctor by her first name and it is a real comfortable clean office. There is a lovely herbalist on site, a chiropractor and hypnotherapist that are there several days a week.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 4
I am actually full. My boyfreind however is hungry and having lots of cravings. . I think it is a habit of munching that he has but he calls it cravings so I am not sure which it really is. He also feels a loss in energy but is dealing with it quite well.
I peed 10 times yesterday in my four hour shift and only 3 times today, I was very glad that I am not peeing as frequently.
I did lose 6 lbs! I had gained 6 lbs over that weekend so I am where I started but it is still a happy loss since I was so worried about eating all that junk!
Sorry, I keep forgetting to take photos, I will add some tonight if I can just remember.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 3
The HCG hormone is given to us in syringes, we get a supply of them and take them home, we put them in the refrigerator and take them out about 10-15 minutes before using them. I hold my shot in my hand until it warms up to body temp and then inject it, Carefully and responsibly depositing the used syringe and needle in a sharps container and that is it.
I weighed myself and was concerned that I didn't gain enough weight, the 10lbs that I put on in the last two days was now only 6lbs and I know how crucial it is to put on weight the first two days but I just have to move forward from here.
I took two bottles of water to work and drank them for my four hour shift and consequently did use the toilet a total of tens time before my shift was over.
Came home and pulled out the 3.5 oz of pre portioned chicken breast that we had prepared the night before and a bag of spinach. So the chicken had to be weighed out before cooking and the spinach too. We decided to eat our spinach raw and since we need to eat a total of 500 calories for the day we decided to eat 250 at lunch which meant 8 cups of uncooked spinach, 1 medium apple and the 3.5 oz of chicken which totaled 246 calories. I haven't finished my meal and it has been an hour. I am still munching on the apple and the spinach and having to eat more than I feel that I need but again, I am told that it is important to eat the amount of calories that is required.
Today at work, I didn't feel hungry. Maybe it was all the water. Doesn't matter, I am not suffering a slow starvation death that I thought that I would. I did however crave texture and taste and found myself eyeing a co workers chocolate Easter egg lolly. I even picked it up and smelled it but wasn't even tempted really.
For Dinner I am going to pretty much have the same thing as lunch, I may cook the spinach... or trade them out for beet greens (which is allowed), I was pulling the fresh organic parsnips and beets from the garden, looking at the arrugula and parsley and wondering if a taste would hurt. I love eating from my garden but tonight, I will not. The beets I will give to my daughter and the beet greens perhaps I will eat. As far as the arrugula, parsley and parsnips... I will have to do without.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Day 2
My eyes are swollen, my B.O. is strong and toxic smelling and I am afraid to look in the mirror at myself. Afraid that I am really doing something wrong by eating this way and gaining these lb's and that I will never lose them. The fear is overwhelming however I am not feeling emotional
We gave each other our shots of the HCG hormone... again pretty painless. I am not sure if I could give myself a shot, I will try tomorrow.
We are on our way to Costco to buy our food for the week. Then we are going to portion it out and precook some of it. We are going to stop for some big awful greasy, carb loaded breakfast in between somewhere though, and eat eat eat ourselves to what feels like the death of us. I don't think it will be enjoyable.
We decided to make it easy on us and we ordered several Costco polish sausages and two slices of pizza which actually equals 4 slices.
I snapped at Mike, I think I am becoming a monster. I am fat and eat like a fat person and I am angry and mean... Eating like this is ugly and it makes me ugly and I teared up while apologizing for being so mean to him. He is a wonderful boyfriend and tried to encourage me, letting me know that this would be over and I will feel less and less self loathing as the weight drops off.
I told him that I am an emotional eater, that I am overweight for a reason, that when I lose the weight there will be a whole other side of me that emerges, that I will have to deal (and so will he) with the fears and the emotions of being thinner... I eat for a reason and I am fat for a reason and when I lose this protective blubber then will emerge another monster... he loves me, I am lucky... he is a good man and is very supportive which brings me to this...
Having support is crucial, having a co-dieter is a necessity and I would encourage that you don't take this on alone.
We bought wild white fish, shrimp and chicken breast tenders, loads of spinach and some asparagus for tomorrow, our five hundred calorie days..
But for today we ate our pizza, drank our soda and went home and had a polish sausage and a half. How do I feel? I feel gross! Later today we are going to a family gathering for a spring equinox party... homemade beer and a delightful dinner and sweets. Pics to follow!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Day 1